It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. That can be true only because it is actually the moment in life that speaks a thousand words. It tells its own story, that one one-thousandth of a second exposed for what it is.
The experience of each and every one one-thousandth of a second is right in front of our eyes, we just have to see it; we have to look for it, to seek it out. We must allow ourselves to be aware of the details of our environment. We all do it without awareness. Our eyes take it all in, it just goes unregistered in our forward or backward occupied brain as our present brain takes over the mundane tasks of mobility and function.
When I notice something that makes me smile or catches my eye I will mostly stop these days, if only for a brief few seconds. The experience of something is no less profound when it is not captured in a photograph. A photograph simply reminds us of the thoughts, the thousand words that crossed our mind during that one one-thousandth of a second. As we are able to linger over the photograph we are able to study the details our brain was unable to process during the split second when the shutter clicked. If we let it, a photograph teaches us to more fully experience our moments, to be present, to notice details, to not rely on photography to deepen the story. It is a wonderful cycle of progression.
Photography has taught me so much about life. The small things are so large.
- Karan