Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Circus Girl, The Best of Gretchen Peters

Gretchen is the perfect traveling companion. There are few days that I can enjoy much more than background music with work requirements occupying the forefront of my brain activities. I rarely take the time to just sit and immerse myself in the words and sounds that seem to ground me in some mysterious way. But traveling in my car with the beauty of the landscape passing by and the sounds of ivory, reeds and strings, Gretchen’s words fill this soul. I am inspired and empowered, brought to reverence and remembrance, released and comforted.

It always amazes me that someone else can write the words in my head, that another’s words can so closely follow my life even though our lives have taken such differing paths. With Gretchen I am consistently amazed.

Gretchen’s latest offering, Circus Girl, is a compilation of some of her best work. It is a true representation of the best of Gretchen Peters, a by-product of her heart and soul, which is so much more than can ever be held on disc.
- Karan

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Nashville is known for country music, but what about theatre? Broadway? In Nashville? Yes! Our own Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC) is running the broadway show WICKED through the month of September. TPAC offers Nashville and the surrounding region first class Broadway shows throughout the year and the popularity of these events rivals any of Nashville's traditional music venues.

Harry and I were fortunate to cover the WICKED VIP / Cast party held last week at Morton's in downtown Nashville. The cast and the guests were lovely, friendly and fun loving! We could not have had a better time. So much so that, although we were working, it certainly did not feel like work!

The entire gallery will be up soon, but until then here's a few shots from the evening...

The great folks of TPAC...